Social Bookmarking sites to Drive Huge Traffic to your BLOG

Well Social Bookmarking sites are huge and effective online resource to drive massive traffic in your blog or website. The superior thing to use to social Bookmarking site is that it boosts web traffic directly and gives regular visitor. It is quite major to that how should use.

How to use Social Bookmarking site? 

Social bookmarking does not means just submit your post, if you want to drive maximum traffic to your blog there is a way or strategy to use social bookmarking site which make your social bookmarking effective in result and you get large traffic from them.

Best Strategy to use Social Bookmarking Sites

1)      Make your complete profile on social bookmarking Website.
2)      Make a page by name of your website or blog on social Bookmarking website and regular update them.
3)      Always be transparent and provide correct information to social media circle.
4)      Join the bloggers group on the social networking website and communication with them.
5)      Be attractive and interesting on social media but in a right way.
6)      Don’t do spamming because it is not good for any website or blog.

Social Booking Making Websites are as following.

Facebook is a world best and being popular social Bookmarking sites. It has 1.11 Billion users and its Google page rank is 9 and Alexa rank is 2. It is the best only resource to drive maximum traffic in your website or blog. That’s why it is at number 1 position in this list. Facebook gave the opportunity to people to connect with each other and share their ideas, Picture’s, Video’s and news etc.
2)      Twitter
It is a micro blogging platform and second big popular social Bookmarking site. It is the Second best resource to drive huge traffic in your website or blog. Its currently Google page rank is 10 and Alexa Rank is 11 and it has more than 883 Million Users.
3)      Google+
Google + is there most popular social Networking website which owned by Google. Its Google page rank is 9 and very impressive Alexa Rank that is 1 and it has more than 500 Million users. All details show the worth of this Social Bookmarking Site.
4)      LinkedIn
It is the world biggest professional Networking site. It is a great place to increase visitor to your website or blog. Its Google page rank is 9 and Alexa rank is 12. It has quite high users that are more than 260 Million.
 5) Reddit
It is a most popular and biggest Social Bookmarking site where you can increase visitor instantly on your website or blog. It is the self-styled ‘front page of the internet’. It is the 49th mainly visited website in the US. It has 37 Billion users and its Google page rank is 8 out of 10 and Alexa rank is 58.
6) Delicious
Delicious is a world largest social bookmarking web service for storing, discovering, and sharing web bookmarks. It has 5.3 million users & 180 million unique bookmarked URLs. You can use it very simple and increase large web traffic well its Google Page rank is 8 out of 10 and Alexa rank is 1,356.
7)  Stumble upon
This is one last position in this list but not least because it gives instant result whenever you submit any post link. You can use it very easy and gain large web traffic well its Google Page rank is 8 and Alexa rank is 157. Stumble Upon has more than 25 Million users.

** Final Word **

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